Introduction: Picture this: You've found the perfect house, the one that ticks all the boxes - the dream home you've been searching for. But wait! Before you get carried away with visions of cozy nights by the fireplace, there's something you need to know. Unconsented works can turn your dream into a financial nightmare, potentially costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars. In this article, we'll explore the risks involved and offer you valuable advice on navigating this tricky situation. Unconsented Works and Their Impact: Unconsented works refer to any additions or alterations made to a property without the proper council approval. A...

Original Source - ONEROOF.CO.NZ     -   19 July 2023 Article repurposed for our blog. ANALYSIS: Each month, I / Tony Alexander conduct five surveys among my 31,000 subscribers of ONEROOF to gain firsthand insights into the economy, particularly the housing market. This week, I ran a survey of mortgage brokers with the assistance of, and the results are quite interesting. According to the survey, a net 62% of brokers have reported seeing an increase in first home buyers in the market. This is the highest result since June 2020 when a record net 79% of brokers reported more young buyers. Despite rising...

Knowledge is essential when it comes to investing in real estate. Making an informed purchasing decision requires knowledge of the potential home's condition, history, and risks. Property reports come into play in this situation. A property report is a compilation of various documents that provides a thorough profile of a home. It aids in having a better understanding of the house from a non-sales perspective. In this article, we will dive into the world of property reports, their usefulness, and how they can benefit both buyers and sellers. What is a Property Report Property Reports serve as an essential resource for...

Being able to watch your children purchase their first home is an important milestone for any parent. As a parent, you play an important part in your child’s home ownership journey. From providing them with financial literacy and education in the early years to setting up credit cards and bank accounts in the later years, your involvement can make a real difference. In this article, we will delve into some practical tips and strategies to assist you in helping your child purchase their first home. Start Early with Financial Literacy It’s important for a child to build strong financial literacy...

With these changes to borrowing and lending on the way – refinancing, getting a mortgage, buying and selling property may come with new stresses. Our Quay Law lawyers have shared this article (originally sourced from ) with you as you may find it of interest. It would possibly be applicable if you are refinancing or buying/selling a property. Loan-to-value restrictions (LVRs) have been suggested as a solution to help cool the housing market down. Reintroduce house loan deposit rules At 9 am on Wednesday 17, the Reserve Bank has announced that it will be reintroducing LVRs for risky lenders as of 1st...

Best Conveyancing Lawyer For Me? There are many factors to the selling, buying and refinancing of a property that cause far more trouble than you should have to face alone. A conveyance lawyer will protect you through the thick and thin of your property transaction. Which is the best conveyancing lawyer for me? "Conveyancing lawyer for me" - what does this really mean? We know that the Auckland housing market today is a touchy subject for most young homeowners-to-be. With ever-changing interest rates and many prime property purchase opportunities being snapped up faster than some of us can keep up with, home ownership...

You might have seen the recent announcement by BNZ about their new shared homeownership scheme. So, what exactly is it and what does it mean for people who are keen to take their first step onto the property ladder? As an Auckland lawfirm specialising in property law and conveyancing, here's our take: BNZ Shared Homeownership Scheme - The Details The BNZ shared home ownership scheme is not dissimilar to homebuying schemes which have been run in the UK and Ireland with success for a number of years. In summary, a first-time buyer teams up with an equity investor to co-purchase a house. The...

Make sure you’re ready to buy, both emotionally and financially A home is one of the biggest assets you’ll ever have – and the biggest debt. Figuring out why you want a home is absolutely critical before you begin looking at options. ...