New Zealand Gifting and Trust Law – Gift Duty changes as 3rd bill passed in Parliament
Auckland law firm, Quay Law’s trust lawyers have been monitoring the progress of this legislation change. ...
Auckland law firm, Quay Law’s trust lawyers have been monitoring the progress of this legislation change. ...
Labour would target hundreds of millions of dollars worth of income rich people shelter in trusts as a key part of its “tax switch” package unveiled this week....
The family trust is under siege as never before. Creditors, lawyers, government agencies and, yes, other family members ...
The abolition of gift duty, which could prove a gift for the rich, will come just months after a backdoor form of gift duty was introduced for the poor, an anti-poverty action group says....
Become a fan of Quay Law on Facebook and be eligible for a FREE 1/2 hour Trust checkup....
Based on current records, New Zealand has one of the highest numbers of trusts per head of population in comparison to other countries....
Prenuptial contracts, which are already in decline, look set to disappear when the National Party does away with gift duty, a move seen by many as one of the biggest changes in property rights in New Zealand history....
Please view our Quay Law Trust presentation on the proposed trust law changes in New Zealand on YouTube....
Whilst the review of trust law within New Zealand is in progress....