Your team – who should you consult with when purchasing a property?

your property and auckland conveyancing house transfer teamBuying a New Zealand property will probably be the biggest financial investment you’ll ever make and because of this you need to surround yourself with a team of property experts who can help you achieve your financial and other goals.

It is important to choose your “Property Team” early on in the property acquisition and purchase process.

Property investment is a complex business and your professionals need to be players who are experienced in this field.

Your key property team members are:

  • Financier / mortgage broker who can assist you in determining your budget before you start looking for that investment property
  • An experienced and approachable Lawyer with a good understanding of legal issues around the property transfer and conveyancing process.
  • Accountant who has a good understanding of property investment (if you are buying your property as an investment property)
  • A property valuer
  • Real estate agent and / or property finder
  • Property manager (if applicable)

It is important to consult with your property team before you buy the property.

Property Deposit for your conveyancing or property transaction by Quay Law, Auckland lawyersFind an property lawyer?

Your choice of property lawyer is an important decision.  To talk to a legal property expert regarding your property transaction please call the team at Quay Law today.

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