Family Trusts – July 2012 radio broadcast.

Quay Law Barrister and Solicitor – Auckland Radio Broadcast.  Auckland lawyer, Ian Mellett being interviewed by Jan Coetsee of The Protea Hour.

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During a community radio show, Protea Hour, Ian Mellett outlines a number of reasons why implementing a trust structure could possibly be of benefit to you and your family:

Protection of core family assets for present and future generations.
Protection from business creditors.
Protection of particular beneficiaries (example, children with special needs, educational trusts).
Protection from matrimonial property claims and de facto claims.
Protection against possible income tax consequences and future taxes.
Incidental benefits in relation to means testing and rest home subsidies.

For more information regarding family trusts or to arrange your personal trust presentation, please contact Ian Mellett, lawyer and principal of Auckland law firm Quay Law.        Ph (09) 5232408        E: