Refinancing your existing home loan?

Refinancing your home loanAre you in the process of, or considering, refinancing your existing home loan.  If so there are various legal requirements that need to be dealt with and it is best to involve your property lawyer from the outset.

To discuss further with our Auckland conveyancing and refinancing lawyers please contact our Quay Law legal team.

This legal tip is shared with you by the team at Auckland law firm – Quay Law. These regular legal tips cover a range of legal topics.  We discuss all legal matters from estate planning, to wills and estate administration, tax and IRD (Inland Revenue Department) matters, residential and commercial conveyancing and property law, family trusts. social media law, leasehold properties, commercial leasing and much more. Although situated in the Auckland suburb of Remuera we are able to support clients overseas and across New Zealand.