New Zealand Residence Programme: Skilled Migrant Category fortnightly selection
A selection of Expressions of Interest (EOI) under the Skilled Migrant Category took place on 27 January 2010....
A selection of Expressions of Interest (EOI) under the Skilled Migrant Category took place on 27 January 2010....
The latest annual net migration figure of more than 17,000 is the highest in five years....
Work-permit applications are being declined at double the rate of a year ago, leaving immigrants worried about their future....
At times like these any proposed immigration should be carefully planned....
Refocusing immigration policy to target migrants from developing countries could boost trade opportunities, according to the NZ Institute of Economic Research (NZIER)....
From 4 May 2009 anyone who provides immigration advice in New Zealand must have a licence from the Immigration Advisers Authority, unless they are exempt from the requirement to hold a licence....
From 4 May 2009 anyone who provides immigration advice in New Zealand must have a licence from the Immigration Advisers Authority, unless they are exempt from the requirement to hold a licence....