An indicator of the housing market firmed in September, led by Wellington and Auckland. The Mike Pero Mortgages — Infometrics property cycle indicator lifted to 6.99 last month from 6.66 in August....

Please find attached a copy of the latest Issue of The Rob Report which features all the published residential property sales, made by all the real estate agencies, in Remuera & Parnell during the month of June 2009....

A growing number of older people are finding themselves struggling to pay their children’s mortgages. And the problem is set to worsen as banks encourage families to collaborate financially to circumvent tightened lending criteria....

This guide to the data-issuers in the housing, farming and construction sectors gives a spread of the range of facts and associated opinions being issued....

The high risks involved in in longer residential property sale settlement times have been highlighted at a recent High Court case and experts are recommending buyers seek legal advice before finalizing the settlement period on a purchase....