27 Sep Signing an agreement for sale and purchase of property | conveyancing
It is a good idea to have your conveyancing lawyer review any Sale and Purchase Agreement prior to the agreement being signed. This is to ensure all the necessary contract conditions are included within the signed property agreement.
We understand that the buying or selling a new property can be daunting but our experienced conveyancers will guide you through the home transfer process and understanding the agreement for sale and purchase of property in New Zealand.
Our Auckland lawyers will discuss the various legal options and contract conditions available to you as these will differ depending on if you are buying a rental investment property or a home to live in and on your personal circumstances.
Do you need help with your Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Property?
To discuss your situation with an experienced property conveyancer please contact our Quay Law team on Phone (09) 523-2408.
Contact Quay LawAuckland law firm Quay Law prides itself on its “open door” and friendly approach to business. An approachable lawyer is usually available at short notice to assist you with your particular transaction, dispute or problem. To contact our Auckland law firm please call ph: (09) 523 2408.